Header Options for 440 a-body

will never use Pro Part headers.
Why buy something you have to fix before you install it.
3 diff cars for diff power levels.

Fenderwells in the race car.Runs 9.50's

Pump gas 92 octane. Street car,street tires and steel wheels.tti's 2" coated.
440 runs 10 70's off the juice.
They never see me coming.

Schumacher headers 74 Duster 8-1 comp with just add ons.
Runs 12.20's off the juice and with 100 hp of juice it ran 11.59.
8 1/4 rear end 3.91 gears.

This is are learner car and the funnest one we have.
It seems like everyone drives it.
I use to have a 73 dart with C-body manifolds the worked for a 13 sec ride.
Well here are my 4 choices for headers for non chassis cars.