Your Dogs Ever Steal From You?

the dog i had togheter with my ex was very good at stealing some very small stuff:
the litle piece of fabric with washinginstructions from my ex underwear i still dont know how but all those litle tags disapered without ANY trace of the fact that they could have ever been on the clothes and without any damage to the clothes,very impressive..

another thing that was actualy alitle creapy about him was that you couldnt leave him alone anywhere near a teddybear anywhere for more than 30seconds or the teddybear would loose his eyes once again with absolutely no trace of damage to the teddybear,and you couldnt even see that those teddybears hade ever had any eyes on them.
but he never stole any food from anyone and wouldnt ever touch his own food until i said it was ok after i thought him that since it was totaly impossible to give him any food without spilling out the whole sack of dryfood on the floor before,it was actualy pretty impressive, he could sit forewer by his food without tuching it until i said the word then the food would disapear in seconds i never let him starve for sure but it was a good excersise in patience for him:)

on another hand he was a great antitheft device i lived next door to my father and my father would from time to time come into my apartment and borrow some bear wich was totaly ok by me, the fridge was just inside the door and Bosco would let my father come into my home when i wasnt there but not one step further than the fridge,the times he tried that Bosco very quickly showed him that that was not accepted and to not push his luck,my father would just take one step back and it would all be good, a very good watchdog for sure wich realy liked my father but he had his border set :)

i realy miss that dog rest in peace