What Should I Do???What Should I Do???

OK Y'all, you gotta help Nella and I decide what to do with her car "Sunfish". We have been at odds about this dilemma for a couple months now and we need your help to resolve it. Heres the details.....

We got a new windshield for Sunfish a couple years ago and have a new gasket to put it in, but I wanted to remove and repaint the dash before I installed the new windshield. After Nella won the top prize in the "Young Guns" contest, she wanted to put that $$$ towards redoing her dash, and instead of painting it she wants to send it to Leanna at PSC to have powdercoated. All good so far!!! Well, I had taken all of the window trim off, the drip channels, sunvisors, mirror, top chrome and any other items in the way of windshield removal. That was in April!!! The car is still without all of the trim and is such not really driveable unless I reinstall the trim to install the mirror. Need the mirror to install the sunvisors, need the sunvisors to vise the sun, etc. etc. Anyway, heres the informal poll...

A) Do I reinstall the trim so we can enjoy a couple rides in it before the end of the season and and start over in the fall??? (remember that part of Nellas "Young Guns" prize is some gas in the tank for a cruise courtesy of her valentine Memike!!!) Or....

B) Go all the way and remove the windshield and dash and get the darn job DONE!!!! (remember that the dash is going to Leanna so another FABO member would benefit from me getting off my butt here. AND, Small Blocks prize from the "Young Guns" is burning a hole in Nella's wallet!!!) Or...

C) Do what I have been doing... sitting on the couch drinking cold ones and watching baseball!!! ( Not really, but I ain't been workin' on Sunfish either!!!)

Any input is welcomed and the person who has the most convincing argument will save the day for sure. I know it's a win/win situation, but neither Nella or I can seem to jump first and make the decision!!!! Help!!!! Geof and Nella

P.S....Heres a picture of Sunfish out of the Cudacave just after a long needed bath for inspiration!!!
