Starting a new job tomorrow!


John - I've been all over... I got laid off from my ridiculously good paying job in February. So then I was frantically searching for a new job. I interviewed all over the country but nothing good panned out. So I took a job locally, one that had promises of good work and big money (eventually). It turned out that I spent more time sitting around doing nothing than actually working, and my paycheck was getting smaller and smaller each week.

Then a friend of mine called me and said he just started at a new place, one that I had interviewed at back in May. He said that he was starting to build a new IT department, and he put the job description into the HR database. It found the best match for resumes that it had in it's database, and my name was on the top of the list. So he called me, told me that the job was mine if I wanted it, and it had a good salary. I went in and tried to negotiate for some more scratch, but they said that they couldn't go any higher. But they could take the difference from what they were offering and what I wanted and make that a signing bonus. So of course, I took it. ;-)

Between the time I was laid off and today, I was working my butt off to try to make some extra cash here and there, doing side jobs, building new web sites, etc. I haven't had much free time to much of anything, so I haven't been on the boards much. But now I'm back!