What's the WORST car/truck you've owned?
I pretty much agree with slantstick, the year everything went sour and got better again is a hazy gray line, and there are always exceptions, but in general I feel the same way. Anything newer than 1980 is mechanicaly beyond my abilities to troubleshoot and repair. I'm too old to learn and too young to know better.
That also pretty well sums up why Both of my daily drivers are 30+ years old. They are tough and simple (like me). The last new car I had was an '04 Taurus, not the worst by any streatch, but just after spending around $2000 to make it a little "nicer", wheels, tires, window tint, etc., the head gasket blows, taking a head and some internals with it. You do the math: $1500 new long block, $1200 installation (cheapest I could find, has to go in from UNDER the car!) and I saw a used on on the lot for $3200. I also found out that the transmissions tended to go around 120K and cost more than the engine. It's no wonder people don't try to save old cars if their only automotive experience is with this new crap!