1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Looked through my NOS sheet metal. Need to find out which thing is missing. Found out that the drivers side is taken care of. Got the front and rear splash shield.

Right side or worse. But I can trade on left side front splash shiled for a right side shield! Anything out there?

Looked through the exhaust gaskets too. I have one #2465845 in the upper position on the picture, fits smallblock 273 and 318 from 1964 to 1969. From 1970 for the 318 they used the gasket #2951285.

But how about the right side. I have never seen an orginal gasket. What I have heard of is that it was a early style gasket where the ports had been drilled out and the small gasket was mounted.

Any comments on this matter ia gladly appriciated!

Have also restored the front bracker between the K-frame and the lower part of the radiator support. Has never seen a mint one ever!

The outer part of the lower control arm was restored too. Looks like new!




