Avoidance Alert

Or providing a cover for his story? He didn't get the parts mid month, only had tracking for one box and waits until now to post the want ad, conveniently, same time as this thread.

Just looking at it from a nefarious viewpoint.

I'd have an ad up right after the box arrived if I still needed the stuff and it didn't show up in said box.

I have one of those brackets and a brake pedal assembly... $75 + shipping
To be fair, I wouldn't have reposted a part request until I tried to resolve the problem with the seller. Sometimes that can take days with our busy lives. Other than brownie points from the peanut gallery here, I don't see how J4R3D would benefit from a phony ad. If he buys the same parts from somebody else, it doesn't sound like he's running a scam on the first seller. It sounds like the parts were lost or stolen in transit. The only blame either party has, is poor communication.