Avoidance Alert

The thing is man......if you don't offer up pictures and pictures of the weight of the booster and/or a receipt......your pretty much screwing your self here.

Because you just called a guy out and potentially tarnished his name but your not veven willing to back the story up.

and its making alot of people look at you because your story does not ad up....and in return the word WILL spread and people will not want to deal with you any more which means you will have trouble catching good deals on parts you need OR parts you need to sell! and we all know how tricky it is to come by mopar parts now a days so thats a pretty valuable thing to have on your side ( The People).

Dartnut already said what the weight of the booster was.

SO all you have to do is take a picture of what you got on a scale to prove that his story either matchs up or does not!.

NOW .....you will have to take a picture of just to booster (not the booster in the box so we know there arent any bricks hiding in the box to fudge the actual weight......and no filling the booster full of rocks either LOL.

regardless who is right or wrong.....its $20.00 your talking here....I think it is WELL worth your reputation and keeping your friends here on fabo and clearing the air with Dartnut to atleast resolve the issue mutually rather than just saying screw it.

you have to think, not only is dart nut out of the $20.00 he spent on shipping, but he is also out his booster which should have atleast a $20.00 core value.....so he is out $40.00 atleast and your not willing to send the guy his part back OR give him a refund on shipping....thats pretty cruel and dirty man.

you need to look out side the box and stop looking at things from whatever perspective it is that you are looking at...because you somehow think you got screwed because you didnt get the RIGHT FREE PARTS???? lol....sorry, just doesnt make sense I guess