My 70 Dart
No pictures today. But I've decided to keep the car B5 blue. I want to use Sikkens if it's the right price. I do work for the company so I want to keep the cash in the family so to speak. Lot less work and money in the long run. Won't have to do anything to the engine compartment or the interior, (paint). Not to mention that it is the original color. Been lazy here the last several days, have not worked on it, going to go out tonight while it's cool and work on it. Going to mask off the hood and use some surfacer on the hood, then guide coat and block it. I think I'm close enough on the hood to do that. Also would like to prime the rest of the car, the surface rust is starting to get a foothold again. For those who remember Mayberry's Deputy Barney Fife, I'll "nip it in the bud"! LOL