something is wrong!?

hello guys yes the carb is a 1050 dominator 4500 with changeble air bleeds. The stall on the convertor i dont now for sure its a jw custom built 8 inch but my trans-b is not working so i havent checked the stall. my timing curve is 32 deegrees advanced but there is a problem we cant now for sure what kind of timing we had in the bench because i messed up with the springs in distributor and had original springs and maybe i didnt rev the engine enough to get it fully advanced. But i am afraid to take it higher up in timing if something happens. The fuel i am driving on is shell v-power 99 octan swedish premium gas station fuel. The camshaft is a comp cams roller xr286r 576/582 050 248/254 cylinder heads indy 210 cc. I thought of change carb but i dont whant to change because i did use it in the bench and did srew in it there.. happy for answers
