74 Swinger, wish me luck!

Hows this project coming? Good to see someone else from BC. I'm just a little ways from you, across the water on the island.

:thumbrig: howdy neighbor! Nice collection, found a nice 67 dart GT for $2600 if your interested Ill pm you the link, no engine or trans but it's been tubed, frame connectors, springs relocated, 7 leaf springs, 4 speed, 8 3/4. I want it bad but I'm all tied up in the swinger, I would like to see it go to someone on this forum so I could watch it come back to life.

Anyway the project is coming along great, installing msd ignition and wiring the No2 right now, slowed by a couple broken VC bolts (I love my son but sometimes....:violent1:).:-D
it was a good excuse to replace the valve covers with nice chrome ones and to install studs and fasteners to avoid this situation again. Put in a new radiator and a viscous fan, noticeable improvement with the fan, took it on it's first run to the new garage and made it pretty far before I realised the valve cover was leaking and it started to back fire and burn oil on the manifolds. Ha. At least it died on a nice street.
And I think I win for smallest work space!! Look what $150 a month gets you in Vancouver... unreal, voltage inst even enough to run a hobby welder!

