Talked to Harold at Spitfire(Headers)

"Harold has really done a great job" "ya really can't go wrong for the money" The heck yall say. Yall have lost your minds. If you CAN'T get the headers, that negates all the warm and fuzzy stuff. They don't flow worth CRAP if you don't have them. That means, ANY manifold on the planet outflows them. Got me now? Yall keep throwin money at this clown. It's your money. I think he's a crook and had I given him some money and waited as long as some of you, Harold would be in the hospital. That's just how it is. You take somebodys money and don't come across and don't refund, that's stealin. That's an *** beatin waitin to happen from this old boy. There are still people that have paid and not received. If somebody pays me for somethin, they get all they're supposed to get and then some. I enjoy doing it, I enjoy helping people and I have a good reputation all over middle Georgia. Even though I'm disabled now. I still enjoy helping others if I can. His headers are JUNK because of his business practices. I don't care if they outflow everything on the market. because of how he does business, that ruins the whole thing. It's really kinda sad. He has a chance to provide something that a LOT of people need. An affordable header for the early A body. But through crappy business practices, he's flubbin it all up. What a moron. and I don't give a rat's butt about "but Harold's a one man operation, blah blah blah..". If he cannot produce product, he shouldn't even be doin it. End of story.