
That sucks ramcharger. It seems like quite a few companies these days are spreading their techs thin. I now do the job of two mechanics at my job. I don't complain most days, but the days it hits the fan it is bad. I can't be in three places at one time. Hang in there and I hope it gets better for you.

Thanks BD. This week was really bad with a capital "B". It'll get better and if not it's my own damn fault, period. :)

Thank God for our special friends bud......Hang in there!

You betcha 6pk! These guys are my crutch as no matter what happens, they are always glad to see me and the feeling is mutual. They are a rock, lol.

What about the girl that you bought a collar for her dog, you think she would walk the beasts or would they be too much?

Just think back about 6 months ago when you were out of work and now you have more than ever.

I would trust her but not her family. She's a good kid but blood is thicker than water.

JR, I'm finally recovering and am trying to fix my credit and you are 100% correct. I am a lucky man.