WARNING !!!! on purchases.

Sad issue but we have all entered a time when some young folfks are abuseing this thing we call trust and scaming good people on this site for financial gains. We also have encountered some not so young folks that are realizing the economic crunch and are trying to make ends meet by doing the same scam. My suggestion to you is this. When your purchasing an item from one of the registered members here feel free to post a question to the many other members, 14000 plus, as to their knowledge of the integrity of the member you are purchasing from. No harm done. If they cant stand the pressure then a flag should go up. This should be no slam on anyone. merely an inquiry allowing one to protect their resources. You that are selling should prepare for this and expect it in these times. For instance.
" Hey guys, i'm buying a _____ from Small Block. Is he a straight shooter? Has anyone had any issues with him on purchases? His ad says he lives in______. Does anyone live close by in case i need assistance?"

This would not offend me whatsoever. There are those here that we all know and have dealt with over the years but there are those that have just showed up for whatever reason. Be very cautious in your dealings when sending money to someone that you dont know. If ever anyone has an issue with a seller in my area i'll be more that happy to assist. There are many ways to handle these issues and this is merely one of em. Heads up.

Sellers, You are more than welcome and invited to sell your parts and cars here on the site BUT dont try and come here and try and scam those that are truly in it for the hobby and not a bad relationship. Describe your part correctly. Take pics of ALL sides. If you say your gona send it out tomorrow then do so. Be sure and check with the wife and see if she'll let ya out of the house long enough to send it or make sure she dont have a luncheon with the girls that might interfer with your obligation. If your a crook, move on. The guy you rip off may have a buddy that lives down the block from you and his wife just ran off with a guy that looks like you. Your taking a big risk so take it wisely. Any questions?
Small Block