They will be CRUSHING all mopars in their inventory

It is the real deal they are closing the doors. I emailed them today and the actually responded in one hour. Below is the 2 emails. first one is to them and second is their response. This isn't going to be good for our hobby.

NAME UNAVAILABLE to drmopar440
show details 2:29 PM (8 hours ago)

I have seen all over the web that you are closing your doors and crushing all your cars in September. They are saying it is because Texas salvage laws have changed. I am in Oklahoma and afraid of what Texas does Oklahoma will do. Would you be willing to share with me what Texas has done to make you to have to close the doors?


"Attention: We will be closing out and crushing our inventory September 2010, If you need any parts be sure to e-mail us soon. Thanks to all our loyal customers who have supported us for the last 15 years and who helped keep the Mopar hobby alive! It's been a great ride. "
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Reply |[email protected] to me
show details 3:24 PM (7 hours ago)

They are making it to where you will have to pay and have insurance to get your salvage license, also there is new regulations the EPA wants concrete drainage retainers built around the perimeter where cars are sitting.
