I got the Project Blues

Here in MI the heat isnt as mad as it has been but the humidity SUCKS.....you cant be outside without sweating away.

and since I live next to a lake (the pond end of the lake lol) it is mosquito heaven!!!!! ....so mix that and the sweat together and it makes me not want to do ANYTHING to the duster lol.

and I know fall is just around the corner which means colder weather which means winter and SNOW isnt much farther away which is putting the pressure on me and at the same time bumming me out.

Ill get out on it here soon because I atleast have to get the duster to the set "check point" I have envisioned before I can park it for the winter lol.

plus some time this winter I am thinking I will drive it over to my cousins paint shop and have him spray it for me and then I am HOPING by spring I will be looking at little stuff like putting the stripe kit on and carpeting the trunk and little things like that.

thanks to those who have chimed in on the thread and given me a bit of encouragement and a kick in the butt.

keep an eye on my thread and as soon as I do some work to the duster I will update the build thread