I got the Project Blues

Ive been feeling the same way,along with frustration.I had to quit working because my sis suffered a stroke and had to help out and whenever I had very little time and money to work on my Duster.I had to literally do everything on it myself including pulling the /6 and installing the V8 and with having only a gravel ground to work on outside I couldnt move the cherry picker,so I had to crank the /6 up,and push the car back to yank the motor out(I couldnt move the cherry picker since it was on gravel)and do the same in reverse.Not to mention 2 bolts failed on the engine stand and the motor almost fell off.I did this out in the heat and I had bruises,sore arms and legs and mosquito bites everywhere from doing this outside.Then after that it was one thing after another,I had a hell of a time putting the headers in,then I had to replace the fuel pump,got fuel,but no spark,had to replace the dist. cap,had to replace some stripped studs on a wheel.Today I finally got it registered (after paying a ridicoulous fee at the motor vehicle dept.) and finally got to drive it only to have it stall out and had to push it back home(thankfully I was only down the road:angry7:)Discovered my master cylinder leaks and installed my V8 radiator and the damn thing still gets hot(only after a short time running) thermostats new also when I got the car back home,what a suprise,it started up,idk what is wrong with it and Im at my wits end with it like you are.Finding parts locally is impossible also and the car is seriously draining me financialy.Im going to stick to it,Im usually a really calm guy but I need to seriously take a break from it before I take a hammer to the windows,its been such a let down after putting so much money into it.Sucks it only made it down the road and died and would not start again,epic failure.=(I know how you are feeling,hang in there.