Today is MSD day

MSD day went well.... until I blew it up!

Car always had a goofy idle; sometimes it ran, sometimes it would want to stall, other times idled high. Well, after installing the distributor, 6AL, and cutting the wires to fit (another story....), and doing a nice re-wire job, it ran fantasic! Blip the throttle and INSTANT response! Reved like a blender! All was good until I decided to put it in the garage when all of a sudden 3,500RPM idle :shock: I covered the center carb and backed off the idle screw all the way and it still idled at 1,500! My guess is that the power valve was ripped and today I blew it apart. Am I thinking in the right direction? All I know is that changing the valve is going to be a treat.

Six pack, remember? :roll: