School me on supercharging a 360
I didn't read through all this but there seems to be a lot of misleading and completely ridiculous info being posted. Take it from those that have built supercharged street cars and ask everyone you can and do your homework before you spend one penny on a blower and don't take short cuts to save a buck because it will cost you $100 for every buck you try to save.
Don (fstfish66) knows what he's talking about and I did see a few other helpful comments but if someone tells you that you can run 15+ pounds of boost with a roots blower on pump gas, they're full of it. I'm running 8.5 compression pistons and my blower is over driven 3% making almost 7 pounds of boost and my final compression is 12.4-1 which is MAX for pump gas. If I had a lower comp piston I could bump the boost up some but the amount of boost is calculated by your comp, cubic inches and the amount of drive you're running and each engine is different. You want to keep the final compression under 12.5-1 no matter what your combination is.
As far as heads, they make a huge difference with how the engine will run, as mentioned above the blower is forcing air down the intake and if the heads don't want to flow, you will have nothing but heating issues. Get yourself a good set of aluminum heads and port them, the aluminum cuts down on the heat and a good port job will make them flow.
You definitely want to go with a good pair of blower carbs, I'm running a pair of 750 Demon blower carbs and they ran perfect right out of the box. They are a little pricey at $550 each but they were well worth it.
Unless your running practically no boost at all, DON'T run a stock lower end, that's a short cut you will regret. You need a good set of forged pistons as well as a good set of rods and a forged crank. A girdle would also be a big plus if your wanting to run any kind of power.
Dyers and BDS are both good companies, Weiand don't make anything for a small block Mopar. I found though that a lot of the boost numbers Dyers has posted is off from every other boost chart I found in books and online so keep that in mind when making your decisions.
You will also find that out of 20 people experienced with roots blowers you ask, you will get at least 20 different ways of doing the same thing so ask everyone you can and read as many books on supercharging that you can and it will get a lot easier to make the right decisions. A couple good books I found were Street Supercharging by Pat Ganahl and Super Power a do it yourself guide to turbocharging, supercharging, fuel-injection & nitrous-oxide.