she is not my mom.....

Is she attractive?

Sounds like maybe Dad got snookered by a vixen.

Maybe you should start talking to yourself ALOT and smear crap all over the walls- maybe she will get the hint.

NO! She is not attractive! She is no younger than 55, is 6 feet tall, skinny as a tooth pic, skin is weathered and leathery, and blond gray stringy hair. She looks twacked out all the time!

Have you tried having a heart to heart with your pops?? go out for a beer, or dinner or something (not @ the house) and lay it out for him. Be firm, but not overbearing, the light bulb may go off in his head.

I did tell my dad, he knows I don't like her. He assures me that she is not here to stay, but how much longer???? It's driving me nuts! Just right now, today (8-17-2010) at 9 am she was using a BELT SANDER inside the house sanding this dresser she has been working on! It woke me up and I was SO MAD!!

tag team and then the curb

EWL!! Gross!!!

Go out and buy a bunch of coprophilia magazines and "accidently" leave them out where she'll find them. Then start staring at her at random moments, when she catches your gaze excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Trust me, she'll find a new domicile :D

OMG that's horrible!!!!

If it's bad know just think what winter is going to bring dude, I would have a problem with any one that acted that way, I would not let her cook for me and tell her to leave my laundry and room alone.......I hope things get back to normal soon, and I think it's time for a round table with you and your dad. Sounds like there is no humbling this lady that should be walking softly and with a smile.

Funny that you mention the laundry thing....About 4 days ago, I come into my room to find ALL my clothes washed and folded....I mean, everything! My socks, undershirts and UNDERWEAR!!! She fricken washed my underwear and FOLDED them! I totally felt violated.......