School me on supercharging a 360
10-12pounds is alot if you are doing it on the street, i have not done alot of work on blown engines myself more than that i am in the proces of building my own first blown engine but i can tell you that i have a friend with a 383 #ยค%&&smallblock with a pretty big blower cam and alitle under 8:1compresion and that thing wont take more than about 7 pounds of boost on pumpgas since the blower makes so much heat.. at 7pounds that 383 made a very real 600hp and the torque is fully capable of basicly blowing the tires of from under the car at 60mph,thats called torque in excess....
i would read anything blownfsh writes carefully he knows alot about this and there is no replacement for a rocksollid shortblock when it comes to blown engines