The Humble Bee

I'm trying to use the Humble Bee as my SDD ( semi daily driver ) and this evening pulled into our fav' watering hole to meet Glo after she got off work. Before I could open the door to order a beverage a guy on the patio button-holes me with, " How much do you want for your car ?". My reply was, " No way man, I have too much invested to get anything back", he countered with, " How much do you want for it ?".

There may be a sale in the future or not. Regardless, my head could barely fit through the door to get beverages.

MAN ! Did that make me feel good or what ? Opened up the hood for him and made a point of the resto VC's by Leanna ( gotta add mega bucks to sale price ). He was thinking about a car for his 16 yr old son who just got drivers license ( alarm bells ) and who is evidently a mature 16 yr old and loves old cars.

Mom showed up and sent a pic to son who responded with, " Hell yea, I like it". Sorry son, not for sale. 16 yr old responds with, " Everyone has their price". +$+$+$+$

If they want to buy for son, who am I to get between parents and child.

Fantasy over ! I would sell to Dad but not for use by 16 yr old son.

Today's young people have no idea how to drive a vehicle with no computers, ABS, all drum brakes, etc.

However, I must admit so just a little bit of............YEA !

Don't blame you for having a bit of a ego after that encounter.

But from the kid's response it tells you that mommy and daddy will throw money for the kid.

Should've seen how high that number might go...:snakeman: