she is not my mom.....

might be a closet coke fiend

or a meth head? that chit is evil.

Been there, got the "T"shirt.

PM me if you want to talk more.

What if she is doing all this work to please your father (and you), busting hump 24/7 to help out? that would suck for you, not for dad

"Then she complains that I don't ever do my dishes!!!!! "
Come clean, you left them there, she cleaned them.....

Change it up, it's that simple. Don't ever walk away from a dirty glass, as absurd as it sounds to me. (viewing my own desktop disaster)

If your dad loves her, that's all that really matters, I'm dealing with a little less weird situation with my dad (M-in-law is a TOTAL control freak) and I'm learning to "deal" with it. Though I'm near 50 and not living at (his)home, has to make it easier for me to deal with. I wish you all the luck.

OBTW Be active, not reactive, calculate every move (comment), take your time, think about things thoroughly, then act with a level (cool) head.

I wish you all the best. sorry for the long rant, this hit's home for me in a big way.


Dude, I'm right here on the coast maybe we can help each other through whatever, it aint all that!