she is not my mom.....

If you can see the signs that she is gonna ruin your Dad, have a talk with him.

He may be blinded by a stray ******** or two from this chick, sorry, but it happens, I've seen it a hundred times.

I would pry as much as you can out of your Dad, but it sounds like this chick is making herself a foothold in this home, and is agressively working to impress Dad. make you look like a loser and eventually push you out of the house by her agressive Suzie home-maker behavior.

I'd tell Dad, it's her or me, and leave the decision up to him.

Then he will have to ask himself if he likes your help with the rent better than a hopeful stray b/j from the leatherskinned broomstick chick, and a clean house.

This is the honeymoon period, but this chick definitely seems like a professional life sucker, and your Dad is victim # 534.

I think Dad is thinking with his *****, sorry, no offense but lonely guys will take whatever they can get, and I'll bet he's embarassed to tell you he's messing with her out of respect for your feelings.

Yep, I would tell Dad I'm looking at other places to live because this chick is a disaster waiting to happen.

I would try to lookk up this chick's history also, and find out all you can about her, do some digging.
She could be another Lynn Turner.........the anti freeze killer chick.

You said he met her from a craigslist ad?

Copy and paste a link of her ad and post your own ad asking if anyone has had dealings with her.
You might get some info that way.

I like you because you get it!!!

Don't let your dick run your life!!!!!!