Why Mopar

My first car was a '67 Camaro. Nice, but a dime a dozen. Was going to upgrade to a new Camaro in '74 (dating myself!), but didn't like the body style change. Looked at what else was out there new and fell in love with the '74 Challenger.

Bought one new, drove and loved the heck out of it! Rallye pack, 360, 4 speed, 3.23 suregrip...the car would fly! With the 3.23, a lot of cars would beat me off the line, but once I got the 360 wound up, no one could match the top end! If I red lined it, the 3-4 shift was 110 MPH :burnout:

Then I got married...but even with the hot rod gone, a couple of Dodge vans, trucks, reliable as heck!

But the kids are grown and (almost) gone, so now I have my '68 Barracuda - I loved the Hemi under Glass drag car when I was in high school!
