
I think it's great that you are in demand Joe :happy10: You have allot to offer I bet :read2: and the folks you work for is bushing you very hard :clock: I wish I was closer I would be there for ya, lord knows I need more to do and enjoy, I remember being on call 24/7 and really missed out on some good time with my boy's as a safety and Maintenance director for 14 year's for an out patient O.R and 14 Dr's offices, they kept me busy at there home to8)
I hope they give you some earned home time soon , we sure miss you and Maxi and Merlin here. Look what showed up on the hill today, The best T-Shirt in my stash of shirt's, Thank you Joe, This will be put to good use at Monster Mopar Week End.
You spoil me rotten brother.:happy10: