Wife got herself a deer this morning

With the Neon...

On her way to work about a quarter to six. Deer ran out from the corn field and skipped across the hood. She said she hit it in the belly and it smashed the hood down pretty good. **** all over the car too. She saw it run off. She's fine, thank god. Scared her a little I'm sure. The car has 172k on it and she has already hit two LARGE raccoons, several birds and been in the ditch in the winter twice with it. The front fascia was already pretty smacked and cracked to say the least. Back in June, someone backed into it and it rolled into a building too. Poor little car. Now it looks like I need to make a trip to the junkyard for a new hood. It's almost hilarious now to think what that car has been through.
The Neon before this one we tagged an 8 point buck with. He landed dead and the car, although it ran, was totaled. I was hoping for some road kill this time too but I guess no such luck. I love venison jerky.