Wife got herself a deer this morning

Hey GT, I'm sure ya meant well, but that's a pretty ignorant statement.

Yeah, I've never hit a deer either, and we have scads of them around here. Year round. That's why I've bought a spare front end for the Dart. Ya just never know.

I watch diligently, but those pesky little buggers can come out of nowhere, and even if you do see them, they can certainly change direction in less than the blink of an eye. They don't know that cars hurt.

I had one back in April almost run into the side of my truck. Now how would I drive defensively to avoid that?
X2 on this statement. Was cruseing home late one night in the cuda, of all vehicles, and a deer jumped out in front of me, I went to the oposing lane to miss it and did only to smack another doe. hit her in the rump and spun her a few 360`s. My heart fell in my gut cause I new my grill would be destroyed, if not more. Kept going, did`nt want to see the carnage. Got home to check damage. wtf? none? only a big hunk of hair around headlight trim screw. But later discovered it shifted bumper over a little that chipped a little paint, yet to be reshifted. I LUCKED OUT!!! tough little cars, them cudas8)