Drag Racing Returns Tonight..
my car runs 10.93 and 10.96 in time trials...and I red light in first round...I just wanted to go home.....LOL
she has problems with getting squirely going down the track...we put some more air in the tires..and she runs a 11.34 @ 117...better..
first round.....dials an 11. 34...the other guy redlights...she goes 11.29...good to get freebee in 1st round..
the track has jet cars and the stupid Bigfoot trucks as part of a booked in show..big foot is doing dounuts on the starting throwing mud all over the place...put the jet car burn the rubber on the starting line...track sprays a little bit of vht and that is it..
second round i tell her dont be in the first several pair of cars after the jet cars...they screw up the starting line...well...she manages to be the 1st pair out...
her car and the other guy go all over the place getting off the starting line...luckly..the other guy red lights..and she has to get out of it..
the 3rd round..the track is like ****..and bunch of people having same problem....the car *** end squirts to the right went she launches...runs a 11.39 on 11.29 dial...and we are finally going home as I am about to die from heat stroke...
Well...I gotta go buy 8 tires for trailers in the next couple of weeks...leave tuesday to go out of town for a couple of days for class for work....Raliegh ....North carolina...LOL
I am about ready to quit this ****....LOL