Wife got herself a deer this morning

It's not possible to avoid deer if you have to regularly drive through an area with an out-of-control population (big hunting club lands), all you can do is pray that you will not be in the wrong place at wrong time. I hit one with a Ramcharger that dented the bumper, the passenger seat lock broke and the headrest spidered the windshield. Thank God I was alone! A buck ran into the side of my Crown Vic (simmilar to avarageerod) and I popped the dent out with one of those suction cup thinggies. Those were within about 3 months. That's when I learned that most wild frightened animals instinctivly run AWAY from large dark shapes. When they get in your headlights, they instinctivly run away from their own shadow - directly at your car!
The worst critter damage I had was an armadillo my wife ran over in her Grand am. It completely wiped-out the exhaust from the (stop-sign-sized) cat all the way back to the exhaust tip! Freakin armadillos!