Which Carb Gives a Balance of Power & MPG?

I use BG and Demon carbs on EVERYTHING i own (i have had/used EVERYTHING out there)...except the Jeep..and that is going to change soon too...

I have not used a road demon version... though i am using a couple Speed demons and 1 AN style Speed demon, and 1 mighty, 2 BG customs.

My Power Ram with the AN VS 750 speed demon on 418" and 6500lbs or probably 6800 lbs gets 17 mpg.... driving the truck and keeping that 418" lazy is great...start playing with that 418 and she'll gulp rather then sip.
Throttle response is better then efi, as compared to the jeep..the demon puts it to shame, including mpg, and the jeep is lighter... i have found the demons to be very smooth, and quickly responsive to more pedal increments..
The Demon and BG's have given the best performance out of EVERYTHING i have used and tried, i am not mpg guy either, i could care less about mpg... but look at that heavy weight out doing efi....