Custom Hood For My Dart!

Here is the hood we have been working on for my 71. We took and removed the skin from my 71 hood and prepped it for the install of the 09 challenger hood. I then took the challenger hood and removed the skin from it "what a *****!" that was. I then realized that the challenger hood was made out of aluminum! Well that changed things a bit lol. What we ended up doing was using a two part epoxy, the same stuff they use to glue corvette's together. Had to build a filler piece for the rear edge due to how the challenger's hood cowls up in the back. We glued it all together and let it sit in the hot *** arizona sun for a week to cure. I think it turned out awesome!!! Now its off to my buddy for the finish body work and a nice coat of shiny red paint!! Let me know what you guys think!