My Dads Challenger Got Overhauled!

GoodysGotaCuda said
45,000? absolutely not, try about an 8th of that or so...

I believe that as someone else has stated, I agree your in for a surprise at tax time.

1/8th of $45,000 is roughly $5,600.

The gear vendors overdrive ALONE runs 2500+, Brand new hemi, wanna bet that runs in the ball park of no less than 5 g's, not to mention TTI headers, they run no less than 700 bucks, and even if he prices the wheels at cost, your looking at a couple hundred apiece not to mention the rubber. Then theirs that killer sound system, the overhauled trans, rear end and gears, full exhuast system, and I am sure uphopholstry and paint wernt free either. I highly doubt parts alone were under 15 to 20 g's.

But hey, if you really don't get bent at tax time, bravo and good for you. I am still pissed that I missed the show. :sad1: