Buffing, compounding,??? Help

I painted my car 3 days ago, (first time painting a car) and the finish was less than perfect. The paint was orange peeled and a couple of runs. Today I sanded the paint with 800 grit to remove all the runs, orange peel, and smooth the finish. Resprayed the car and it was much better but not what I was hoping for, ( lack of skill,experience,training,proper equipment, etc.).I'm thinking of sanding the paint and buffing it out to get a nice finish.So now with the questions. How long do I let the paint dry before sanding? What type of buffer? What type of pad, wool,terry,foam? Do I use rubbing compound, glaze, polish? I have never done this so I'm looking for any and all info I can get on making this paint look good. Thanx.