318 Block with a 360 crank??
I have an extra 318 engine and two sets of 273 heads (one extra set of 273 heads), (thinking about building something), several people have said that the 318 has a lot of head space - space between the top of the pistons and the bottom of the head. I am new to this has anyone tried to decrease this space by changing the rods or changing the crank.
What is the best way to go it, what rods?, what crank? Would you change just one or both for best results?
Can you use a 360 crank without major work in the block? Would there be negative head space with the 360 crank? (negative head space - pistons in contact with the bottom of the heads)
I would like to use what I have, just want to build something extra for fun with the parts in the barn.
Thanks, Sam