Officially Homeless

I was thinking about this post the whole evening while I was cleaning the fishing boat. Pretty much everything I was thinking about you fessed up to before I got back in. I knew this was going to be a journalist thing, they do it periodically in Chicago, but at night they stay in the Radisson. Then they write their story and blame..yup me. I was going to suggest that you were either doing it for money or were truly insane. My money was on money. If you were truly insane you would have wrote a book to tell us what you were going to do (Adolph, Barack, Marx, etc.), or said nothing at all. This is beginning to look like a publicity stunt. I don't think anyone is trying to dis you, they just know this is dangerous, has been done before, and the outcome is 100% predictable. However, i do completely support all the freedoms this country is still able to grant, so I say go for it if you must. One thing that didn't sit well with me was the I'm going to do evil (take money from unsuspecting strangers under false pretenses), to do good (give it to the food bank). Completely unsatisfactory, and a good example of liberalism at its finest.`I am officially attaching the title of "Robin Hood" to you. LOL