Anyone running a hydraulic clutch with their 833?

Yeah Chucks got a nice kit with everything you need to install a hyd clutch in one package. He makes ya bend over for it a bit though! Not near as much as Kiesler's hyd throwout bearing kit. I nearly crapped my diaper when I saw the price when it came out on the market. Chuck's is also a pull salve setup but he mounts the cylinder to the trans with a nice aluminum bracket instead of the trans crossmember like I want to do. Someone said that would keep it from binding when your motor/trans torques over. Man if your drive train is moving that much you have some issues with your mounts! I think the heim joint at the crossmember bracket will allow plenty of freedom and is a cheaper alternative. I think I can do the entire clutch kit for less than $125 to include shipping on the parts. has a closeout on a master cylinder by U.S. BRAKE with a stainless steel liner in the bore, a built in return spring, 3 different reservoirs for like $48 and a matched pull slave for $36. All I need is a high pressure line to connect them. But I really like to do research, design and build stuff and my car is way off from being done.