Eagle Scout Project Help

Two of my sons reached the eagle rank. Kudos to you for sticking with scouting and good luck on your project.
As for their projects, my oldest rebuilt and painted the small buildings for our city's bicycle safety program, called "Safety City". This program is sponsored by our local womens club in conjunction with the local Police Dept.
My youngest just recieved his Eagle Award on 7/8/10, his project involved restoring a totem pole, which was originally carved by a local artisan back in 1977, and erecting it in a more prominent location at our city's historic site.
Many of the scouts in our troop have been creating walking/hiking trails, building benches, constructing bridges and creating prairies at a local city owned park.
I would suggest contacting the city or county parks dept., local community groups like kiwanis, lions, veterans groups, historic society, church groups, etc. and find out what needs they may have. Contact more than one, and if you are offered several project opportunities, you can choose the one that would be most rewarding for you and most
benaficial to your community.
Again, good luck with your project, maybe start a thread here so we can track your progress, and most of all have fun, reaching the Eagle rank is very rewarding.