My Duster is a nuisance...

Drive it. Drive it every day. Don't let pea-brained idiots dictate what you can do.

I'm surprised that a cop actually showed up for such an insignificant complaint. Unless it was his kid. :toothy10:

Twice I've had people complain to me about driving my Dart too fast. Both of them live just on the high side of the railway tracks (same tracks, different locales). So I'm driving up a hill, over the tracks, and they complain about my speed. You know what 45 yr old suspension is like, there's no way I'm taking those tracks too fast, maybe 20kph (15mph), and then of course I hit the gas. So, you tell me how I can exceed the 60kph (40mph) as I pass their house. My car is not that fast, nor geared for it. But, it does sound good. They seem to think that sound equals speed.

The one idiot even stated that it was a school zone. Uh, no, it's a 60kph zone. Learn to read. :angry7: Funny thing is, that I hit the tracks by his place doing at least 60 in my truck, but that never seems to bother him. My truck is quiet. Get a nice bounce doing that, it's fun :cheers:.

So, go out and drive the Duster already. Ya know ya want to.