Bad members,that can,t ship to canada

I found this rant very hard to follow and all jumbled together.

not really sure what the heck its about lol.

But I did slightly pick up some bashing of folks in the US and stereo typing them as putting basements under there mobile homes LOL.

I guess thinking like that would shy alot of US members away from wanting to strike a deal up.

I personally don't think canadians are any better or any worse of people and the biggest stereo type associated with canadians that most folks here in the US may have it the accent of AYE HOW ABOOT IT....LOL.

but I am sure canadians could pick on the US just as much so no big deal.

as for shipping....I PERSONALLY would rather no deal with over the border transactions ....not because of the person or because I would rather sell to a US member because I think they are better because they are in the US lol.....but for the simple fact that I have heard of to many soured deals that shipped over the border rather it be like mentioned about and getting back charged for shipping or it be there is a huge delay in ship time due to the shipping services going from one country to another and taking there time which in turn makes the seller look slow to ship or look like a bad seller. or rather it be lost in shipping or customs opened a box up and parts ended up getting damaged or lost because of it.

to many risky situations and I personally just prefer not to deal with out of the country transactions......again this is just my opinion, not sure what the "scoop" is on the failed deal you posted this thread about and what the exact situation was...but I think alot of folks don't deal internationally for alot of the same reasons I just mentioned.