Officially Homeless

to much to read through but I read the first page.

although I think your heart is in the right place and that its awesome that you want to be part of a cause and help others.

I am going to have to agree with others in that I don't think there is much to gain from it....not so mcuh that there isnt much to gain from it I guess, just maybe not the impact you may be looking for I guess.

I would call it urban camping LOL.

Although I havnt been FULLY homeless like some of the folks here have mentioned... I have felt the stress's of being homeless for a short period of time and it made it even worse when it wasnt just me that was going through it......Myself, my wife and my 1 year old son at the time were booted out of our home and we had to live out of a mustang for a month!, my wife and little one were able to stay with family for most of that time BUT I myself was to stubborn to accept the help so I decided to still sleep in the mustang that was packed with ALL of our job at the time, no money at the time and a little one to have to worry about.

it wasnt a good feeling at all.

anyhow, although I think its cool you want to do what you want to do.....I think that to some people (especially the truly homeless) may find your efforts offensive......I guess the best way I can describe this would be......its like a white guy putting on brown facepaint and walking into and african american church and acting like he is one of them (thats not a racial slur by any means...just an example). and they may look at you ,having a car to sleep in that you can fire up and turn the heat on if it gets too cold out,your computer (if you have a laptop that is),your job, the ability to get food if you need it knowing you have access to the funds...and so on.

homeless people have NO CHOICE but to deal with what they have....they don't know where the next meal will come from,they don't know if they can find warm clothes by the time cold weather snaps, no job,no showers.

I just think that to do it "right" you would have to drop the job,have no vehicle,no possessions,sleep under newspapers and the hole 9 yards...and that would be just plain silly.

I am not saying that ALL homless people are this way but ALOT of them have options and potential and are only in the position they are in because of the choices they have made.....some have drinking habbits and drug habits and don't want to help themselves .....where as....some of them got layed off from work and bills took over and so on and got stuck with what they have without a choice and actually need the help.

I agree with others that there could be better ways to go about doing what it is you want to accomplish......instead of allowing yourself only $25.00 a week for food.....keep the situation you are currently in and set back a certain amount of cash out of every paycheck and start your own website to bring awareness to the cause in your area and make youtube commercials and add a paypal donation account and put it out to your local news station and radio stations and so on, start fundraisers and start bake sales or some sort of a raffle.....get the words would be surprized with the type of impact you might be able to make.

anyhow, hope I didnt offend you and if you decide to stick to your decision than good luck and be safe and make the best of it....just be carefull with how you go about it.