Eagle Scout Project Help

1st let me start by saying I like a lot of the ideas the others have given, and I applaude you on your efforts

As far as my suggestions, and how the other scouts would fit in, I would think that there would be plenty for the whole team to do. Soliciting and gathering donations, getting advertising support, and managing the auction and bids could be delegated to the various team members. Each of you could donate a certificate for "X amount of hours each" to be auctioned off to be used for yardwork, etc.

You may not want to keep your efforts to just 1 item. You may want to pick a new goal when you reach your current one.

The idea of helping your local food cupboard is a great one. So many of them are run only on donations, and with the times what they are, the supplies get diminished quickly. Don't have a food cupboard? Start one.

Check with your local churches, and see what the need is in your area.

Donate your time to seniors at no charge. Many are on fixed incomes, and could use a hand, or even some friendly company, and a kind word.

As was mentioned by another member, "look local", you probably won't need to go any further. Good luck on whatever you choose, Tim.