Officially Homeless

To Original Poster,

I've been homeless before. IT SUCKS! Reality can SUCK! HARD!

Theres a saying "the hungry dont stay hungry for long"........its not a reference to food,,,but a reference to personal drive/motivation to better yourself.

After experiencing homelessness earlier in my life,,,,,I still do NOT give people on the corner a dollar,,,,,,not even a penny, I do NOT feed homeless people in any way. Its a dog eat dog world out there......we all fend for ourselves.

The only people I have pitty or compassion for (when it comes to homelessness) are people that have lost their jobs because of the current economic situation. (meaning forced lay-off, and job elimination because of outsourcing)

I am boggled by an intention to become homeless even though you described your motivations to grow as a person etc. Cold, hunger, and illness slap homeless on a daily basis, dont get cought up.

IMHO Just go camping more often. Learn how to be a proficient outdoorsman, teach a few children how to take care of themselves out in the woods, start/control fires, fishing, setup different types of shelters using surounding materials etc.

Passing on life skills to children would have bigger/positive impact IMHO.

Be easy,

Bad Shrimp