Officially Homeless

Thanks. I am excited about the new position. I have been detailing cars for far to long. Now time for something different.

The thing that seems to be, is people are failing to realize that this was for me just as much or more than anyone else. Hell, I have already been making jokes about it and getting people to laugh, A LOT! Maybe I can turn it into a comedy routine. lol.

Like I stated. I really am surprised about some of the posts. I am curious as to why some where so against me doing this. Honestly, was it offensive to you guys that actually have lived on the street? (serious question) I really am curious. If I heard that one of my friends was going to do it. I would probably laugh at them and say good luck and be careful. Enjoy being young and single. :) Not tell them to be productive some other way. It's not like I was living on welfare or something, so no one can use the excuse that I was wasting money. The only person that this whole thing was directly effecting (for the time being) was me. For those of you that where worried about my safety, thank you. But if you knew Logan, there is like one murder in this whole valley a year. It's a pretty mellow place. I do plan to still write, probably just about something else for the time being. I also am still going to try and liberate myself from some of the day to day comforts just to try and get back in tune with reality. Again, thanks. I really do hope that I didn't offend anyone. If I did, please let me know. And I am serious. I really would like to know why you guys felt the way you did? Like stated before. I am very glad and thankful that you guys where all able to pull yourselves off the streets and make something of yourselves. That is great. But now, I need to go find a place to sleep. So till next time....
