Officially Homeless

P.S. Dont mind the typos, im writing this from my phone lol.
Gl hear your sticking strong to staying quit!
No offense but myself and I am sure many others here have had rough times in life but not always is it that persons responsibility to fix everyone else who may be in the same situation.

Also correct me if I am wrong here, but wouldn't it make more sense to help out the addicted youth rather than the homeless youth? It sounds like you want to help those who may be on somewhat the same path you were on so it would only make sense. If that's the case, start an online blog for the cause or make a story and try to get in a newspaper, see if you could visit schools and talk to kids, see if you could volunteer work at a youth detention facility or rehab center or jobless shelter... Plenty of options for you.

Let me put it like this...... In this big "pond" we call earth ..... You can either throw a bolder or a pebble, either way ... You will make an impact and that impact will generate a ripple and those ripples will hit shore. No good deed is to small
I would also like to add a little about my past. NO! I have never really been homeless. But I have spent a lot of time being what most of us (including myself) would call a piece of ****. I dropped out of school at the age of 16 to do drugs and think I was in charge of my life. From 16-19, I pretty much did the usual smoking and drinking and on occasion, smoking a little weed. At about age 20, I started smoking weed pretty heavily and ended up moving into a drug house away (200 miles) from all my family so that I could get drunk and high all the time. I was beyond broke and lived in a shitty old house and really had nothing. I didn't even have my family to turn to (by my choice(this is another reason I want to help the youth)) because I was so caught up in the drug. When I was 22, I started using prescription drugs pretty heavy. I was always jacked up. No matter what I was doing or where I was going. I was out of my mind. When I was 24, my life changed pretty hard for the good. One night I took way to many oxi's and smoked a bowl. I then forgot that I already took oxi and took more. Needless to say, I am lucky to be here. I have not taken pills since. I did however still hang out with those friends for a little bit. A few weeks after the OD, I was at one of their apartments and we got raided. Now I know some of you have been sitting with guns facing you, so you know. But when you have the whole task force there with weapons drawn. It's not happy time. I am happy to say that I have not done pills in over three years, I have not smoked weed in two years last month, and I drink very rarely.

My point being, that I may not have been on the street. But in all actuality, I wasn't far from it. I have not always had a good job. I have not always been a good person. But I have grown from all of it. I look back at my past and I know it was all by choice, but not to dis on my parents. They never would listen. They would only threaten. I feel that if I can listen to those kids that need help, I will never be able to replace their parents. But I can be someone that is there for them. I have, in some ways, walked in their shoes and can relate.

I hope that this kind of makes sense of my reasoning.