True Stories From The Shop ... Men are So Funny

Back a few years ago, I was about 15 at the time, I was mechanicing in a snowmobile/motorcycle shop in a small town in southern Alta. It was winter and we used to race snowmobiles and we had a secret concoction racing fuel that consisted mostly of 90/105 Av gas. One day this guy that lives in town came in and convinced my boss Bob to sell him 5 gallons of this stuff (I'm pretty sure a couple bottles of Rum changed hands) for this sled he was building and I remember Bob telling this "idiot" to store the fuel outside, do not leave it in the garage. I think you know where I'm going with this :toothy10: because a couple hours later the town fire siren goes and by the time the truck got to this guys place the garage was a smoking pile of garbage. It seems the aformentioned idiot left the fuel in his "open burner heated" garage and she lit off.:angry7:

No one was hurt in the telling of this story.:-D