Free freeway service #399 in CA

Free Help for Stranded Freeway Motorists!
Whether it's a flat tire, an empty gas tank, or an overheated radiator, chances are that one day, you'll need help on the freeway. Thanks to the Freeway Service Patrol, help is on the way!

The Metro Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is an elite team of tow truck drivers patrolling freeways all over Los Angeles County to provide help to stranded motorists and remove traffic accidents to keep traffic going. This service is absolutely free of charge.
This program funded by Proposition C, passed in 1990 to fund transportation improvements and reduce traffic congestion.

The FSP tow trucks reduce traffic congestion by efficiently getting disabled cars running again or by quickly removing those cars from the freeway. FSP also greatly reduces the chances of further incidents caused by onlookers and impatient drivers. In addition, FSP helps save fuel and reduce air polluting emissions by reducing stop-and-go traffic.

The ultimate benefit of Metro Freeway Service Patrol is that the safety of the motorist is not compromised while the efficiency of our freeway infrastructure is maximized.

Just dial #399 for motorist aid.
Dial #399 from your cellphone to:

Request Metro Freeway Service Patrol tow service
Report freeway road hazards
Contact your auto club
Report freeway damage or needed repair

The #399 service is:
Fully-staffed by English and Spanish speaking operators
Available to provide translation assistance in over 150 languages and equipped to serve the deaf, hearing and speech impaired
Always open – accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week by cellphone

Remember, #399 does not replace 911. Use 911 if you need medical, fire department or law enforcement response. But for all non-emergency freeway assistance, dial #399.