Finally...10!!! Thanks 408StrokerDart!

That's SWEEEET!!! So what size pump cam and squirter did you go with? That was with your Quick fuel 950 right?
Hey Flyfish! I've been looking for your posts recently. You and I have the same car, just different colors, and our engine combo's are VERY similar. I put a 50cc squirter on the primary, and used the brown pump cam. I also went down in the primary squirter from .031 to a .028. Square jetted to 88's in all for corners, plugged PV. Yes this is the QF950 DP. I also learned that my car does not like to leave at higher RPM's. It likes to leave at 1500 RPM. Tried several different timing combo's and found that 34 degrees is optimal. One thing that my car needs and I'm about to install is a crankcase evac, as I sling oil in the engine compartment everytime I run. I have no PCV set up either.

Thanks again guys for the kudo's, you all will hit your 10's, it just takes patience. In my case it was also a very good friend that also happens to know his stuff.