looking to move south?

still a foreign car though... :)

don what info are you looking for exactly to make ya move?

i don't know much aboutt tenn.

first, everybody has a different situation . so some will save a ton of money going south some wont. i've been looking to move to NC in a few years after my boy graduates HS. heres what i have found. if you pay a ton for property taxes here you will save the most money there. there gas is higher, they have a road tax you pay every year on your cars and they tax things that aren't taxed here. so car insurance savings there are taken up by their road tax ( depending on the car ofcourse). jobs, well thats something you'll have to find out on your own.. hire a head hunter or something to really check things out. if your looking for a guarantee that you will live a lot cheaper and instantly get a job there then forget about it. but that is the same anywhere. pay rate will depend what you do and where you do it. house prices and property taxes are the same. where ands what.

whatever info you need is at your finger tips man. google is your friend. a little time spent should answer any questions you may have. you should also go down for a week and visit different places and see what areas you like. we just gotr back from nc. was there for a week. we have a few friends there so we stayed with friends in clayton (just outside raleigh), visited a friend in hunnington (just outside charlotte) and a friend in kinston (closer to the coast). for me so far i liked the clayton area best. but thats me and it will be different for everyone. you want drag strips near ya if i remember correctly. look up NC drag strips and look in that area. hunnington was too built up for me, it was housing development after housing developement and shopping centers out the ***. hell i may as well stay in jersey if i want that...lol...

if ya keep talking about it then things will never happen. if your serious and not just blowing hot air then get the ball rolling. go visit the areas you think you may like, search online for jobs and pay rates, get a head hunter and find jobs that way, is it a big decision? hell yae. is it rocket science to do? hell no.

joe,,, i too have been looking in nc,,,i mostly gave up on nc,,,every time i visited there some big employer was shutting down or laying off,,,,freightliner......phillp morris etc,,,im in the printing industry,,had several head hunters looking,,,i was on in terviews with companies that told me up front they were not hirirng,,but would keep my apps,,,,

true there is no way out on the cost of living,,they get you some how aS your finding out,,,in nc housing and taxes are way cheaper then in our area,,,gas and food are higher then our area,,vehicle property tax seems to be the norm in the south,,,,some thing we dont have,,but in pa we have the pain in the rear end vehicle inspection,,,some thing nj just dropped,,, nc droped it on cars 30 years old or older a few years ago,,,

the eastern side of nc,,if u plan on owning a home will cost more then the western side of nc,,,any thing east of I 95 is considered hurricane area and home owners insurance is 4 times what i pay here in pa,,,, in pa its twice as high as when i lived in ILL,,,

people are much nicer in nc,,then this area,,,but that may change with all the people invading there from n,nj and ny,,but i hope not,,

i do like the change of pace in nc,,sc is even more rural,,and in the back of my mind ive considered eastern tn,,,i do and will gogle that area,,snow fall is not what im looking for,,,had enough of that living in ILL,,,

wit h the economy the way it is,,and it will never get better only worse,,,wil be impossible to find a job with the income i make,,so ide have to make big adjustments in my life style,,sooner or later it will have to happen,, ive been workign 12 hour shifts for 33 years it gets old,,,,,,,,a friend of mine is moving to franklin tn in a few months,,see what he has to say,,

theres no escaping the cost of living if ur a working man,,,freedom is only for the crooks and the rich,,,,,at my age 51 not sure if a new company would be willing to hire some oen that would want to relocate,,,

yes VW is a foreign car,,but its german like me,,,,lol not jappppppppp