Critique this combo - 318!

as for the thermolog,thermobog,thermohog or what

well...look at the secodary initiation...spray bars/piss tubes...and it go's from 280cfm to 600+ with that crap initiation...

the only reason they get any credit , in my book, is that on g stock cars they do prvide enough cfm to to run 10.80's, but they start out at 1500 rpm idle at the line and get hit with 5000+ stall so that the air is already moving like a freight train to band aid the lagging secondary into providing strong signal and /mix.......but put a holley on it of the same cfm and watch the et's drop!

if they could/had a similar rated holley as stock equip , they'd be using it. peroid

hence the reason why it is the '71 340 cars running those low g stock times...not any other non thermo equipt 340 car....

It's cfm over metering when the r's are sky high anyways.

the factory had to compete in the mpg/smog crowd as well as the 'hp sells cars' crowd.